Witness Role Explained

Witness Role Explained

Quick Take: The following article will explain what features you have as a Witness in the virtual deposition platform.


  1. As the Witness, you will be displayed as the ‘Pinned’ participant.

    1. Your video will show a timestamp at the bottom of the screen


  2. As a Witness, you will participate with both audio and video

    1. To turn off your video or mute your audio, click on the corresponding icons shown below

i. To turn on your video or unmute your audio, once again click the corresponding icons shown below

3. All attendees have the option to use the “Background Blur” Feature. This feature adds Background Blur to the video

a. Click on the '3 dots' context menu located next to the 'Red Telephone' icon

i. Click “Blur My Background”


4. You also have the ability to use the dial-in feature, which provides Dial-In users access to the deposition. Please see How-to Connect the Dial-In Feature for a Deposition

a.Click on the 3 dots next to the 'Red Telephone' icon

i.Click ‘Use Phone For Audio’


ii. A pop-out window will appear which will provide the dial-in number and PIN as well as a QR code that can be scanned with a smartphone

b. Once you have successfully dialed in, your name will appear at the top of the video screen

i. Joining ‘Using Phone for Audio’ will automatically mute the speakers and mic

ii. Once the call has been disconnected, the speaker and mic will automatically unmute


When you turn off your video, the time stamp will not be visible


5. You can upload an exhibit by clicking the orange ‘Exhibit’ button to the right of your screen



a. Once an exhibit has been uploaded, it will appear in the “Exhibits List” tab
b. Click on the 3 Dot ‘options’ button next to the Share button


c. To view the exhibit before sharing it, select the “Private View” button

i. Uploaded exhibits may be stamped prior to sharing the exhibit. For more information please see How-to Stamp an Exhibit

d. To delete the exhibit before sharing it, select the “Delete” button


6. To share the exhibit, select the “Share” button


7. You can retract and delete an exhibit you have shared by clicking the 3 Dot “Options' button

a. Select the “Retract” button


b. Once an exhibit has been retracted, it will show “Retracted” in your exhibit list

I. The exhibit will no longer appear for other users


c. Click the 3 Dot 'Options” button and select “Delete” to delete the file


Once the exhibit has been shared, you must close the shared document before it can be Retracted


8. Once an exhibit is shared with everyone, you will be brought to the “Live Exhibit” tab automatically

a. The Host or exhibit owner must grant witness annotation rights before making annotations


a. You have the ability to annotate the exhibit using the various tools available

b. To learn more about the exhibit tools and permissions click on the following link: How-to Use the Tools Within the Live Exhibit Tab and How-to Use Permission Controls

The Host and Co-Host also have full exhibit control on who can annotate a document


9. The “Screen Share” feature allows you to share your screen with all of the attendees.

a. A “Privacy Shade” will be enabled when you start a Screen Share. Please see How-to Screen Share within a Deposition


10. In the deposition room, you have the ability to modify your Camera and/or Microphone

a. Click on the 3 dots next to the ‘Red Telephone' icon


b. This will open a drop-down menu, click on Device Settings



c. A pop-up window will appear giving you the option to change your Camera or Microphone preference. Click “Apply Change” when done




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