Deleting an Uploaded/Shared Exhibit as a Host

Deleting an Uploaded/Shared Exhibit as a Host


You wish to delete an exhibit that was uploaded to a deposition.

Shared Exhibits must be Retracted before they can be Deleted


  1. Hosts have the ability to delete exhibits within the Deposition Details page only if the exhibits have not yet been shared within the deposition.

    1. To access the details page, click on the “Edit” button to the right of the deposition name in your Dashboard

    2. Once there you can upload and preview any file you wish to the deposition using the exhibit functions shown below


    3. Once the exhibit has been shared within the deposition, the delete function will no longer be accessible on the edit deposition page

      1. You will have the ability to delete a shared exhibit within the deposition room

  2. Any files that are uploaded into the Exhibit List of the deposition are private to you until you select the ‘Share’ button within the Exhibit list

    1. If the exhibits are not shared, no one but you can view them

    2. You can see all shared and unshared exhibits you have uploaded

    3. Files that have been shared will have a timestamp associated with them. This allows you to see what files have been shared by date and time

  3. To delete a Shared file, click on the 3 Dot ‘options’ button next to the Share button

    1. Select the “Retract” button

  4. Once an exhibit has been retracted, it will show “Retracted” in your exhibit list

    1. The exhibit will no longer appear for other users

    2. Click the 3 Dot 'Options” button and select “Delete” to delete the file

  5. Once the deposition is completed only exhibits that were shared will be available on the Deposition Review page



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