How-to Stamp an Exhibit

How-to Stamp an Exhibit


Once an exhibit is shared during a deposition, there are various tools that attendees can utilize to annotate the exhibit.

In order to Stamp and Exhibit, you must be the Owner of the Exhibit or be Granted Access to Annotate the Exhibit. For more information see Exhibit Controls Explained


How to Stamp an Exhibit:

  1. Open the exhibit side panel to view all exhibit features


  2. Exhibit owners will be able to stamp an exhibit prior to sharing the uploaded exhibit. For more information on how to upload an exhibit please see How to Upload an Exhibit Before and During a Deposition


    1. After uploading and privately viewing an exhibit, it may be stamped and annotated prior to sharing which can be done from the “Private View”


  3. Once an exhibit has been shared it is displayed in the “Live Exhibit” tab

    1. Within this tab, one of the many tools available is “Stamp”, which allows you to label the exhibit


  4. By stamping an exhibit, a pop-up appears which allows you to title and color code the stamp

    1. This tool also shows you the previous label used and the date when the exhibit was introduced


  5. Once you have adjusted the stamp details, click “Apply to Exhibit” and the stamp will appear on the shared exhibit file


The stamp will only appear on the first page of the Document


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