How-to Use Exhibit Permission Controls

How-to Use Exhibit Permission Controls

The Attendee who Shares an Exhibit will be the Exhibit’s Owner and can Grant Access to the Witness and other Counsel attendees within the Deposition.

Grant Control


  • An Attendee who first shares an exhibit is now what we call the Exhibit Owner.

  • As the Exhibit Owner, you have access to the following buttons on the exhibit toolbar:

    • Close

    • Stamp

    • Direct to Page

    • Witness Annotate

    • Grant / Revoke Exhibit Control

  • The Host always has the same controls as the Exhibit Owner.

  • The Exhibit Owner may grant or revoke Exhibit Control to another Attendee by clicking on the 'Grant Control' Dropdown.

  • As an Attendee who received Exhibit Control (not the Exhibit Owner or Host), you have access to the following buttons on the exhibit toolbar:

    • Close

    • Stamp

    • Direct to Page

    • Witness Annotate

  • As an Attendee who received Exhibit Control (not the Exhibit Owner or Host), you may not grant or revoke control to another Attendee.

The Host and Co-Hosts of the Deposition always have the ability to give and revoke access to the Shared Exhibit regardless of who Shared it.

Witness Annotate


  • The Host, Co-Host, Exhibit Owner, or someone with Exhibit Control may enable the witness to annotate by clicking the Witness Annotate button.

  • If the Witness Annotate button is green, the witness may annotate the exhibit.

    • Clicking the button again will turn it blue and the witness may no longer annotate.

  • As always, the annotation tools are accessible by clicking on the Annotate tab in the Exhibit Viewer.

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