This article will teach you how to upload an exhibit into a deposition both before and during the deposition.
Quick Take: The virtual deposition platform currently supports the following file types: .PDF, .PNG, .JPG, .DOCX, .XLSX, and .PPTX
Before the Deposition:
As a scheduler or host, you can upload exhibits prior to the start of the deposition
Exhibit files can be uploaded as you create the deposition by adding the files into the “Exhibits” box at the bottom of the Deposition Details page
Once uploaded, these files are only visible to you
To view the uploaded files, select the “Open” button to the right of the exhibit’s file-name
Once uploaded, these files are private and only visible to you
These exhibits will not be available to others until you share them on the record once the deposition has started
You can preview the exhibits by selecting the blue eye associated with each exhibit file uploaded
By selecting the red 'x' you can delete an exhibit before the file is shared within the deposition
You have the ability to download exhibits from this page by selecting the small blue arrow button associated with the uploaded file
As an attendee, you can also upload exhibits prior to the deposition after receiving your invitation
Join the deposition room prior to the scheduled deposition
Click the orange “Exhibit” button in the far right corner
This expands a white box that allows you to either drag-and-drop files or click-to-upload by browsing your computer
During and After the Deposition:
While the deposition is in session, you still have the option to upload exhibits on the fly
Select the orange “Exhibit” button in the top right corner
This expands a white box that allows you to either drag-and-drop the files or click-to-upload by browsing your computer
Exhibit files will not be visible to other attendees until you click the blue “Share” button to the right of your uploaded exhibits
Once a deposition has ended, no additional exhibits can be introduced
All exhibits that were shared during the deposition will be available for review and download after the deposition has ended with access granted through the scheduling party.
All unintroduced files from your deposition will not be shared with the other parties and are not a part of the record.