As a scheduler or host, you can upload exhibits prior to the start of the deposition
a. Exhibit files can be uploaded as you create the deposition by adding the files into the “Exhibits” box at the bottom of the Deposition Details pageOnce uploaded, these files are private and only visible to you
a. These exhibits will not be available to others until you share them on the record once the deposition has startedAs an attendee, you can upload exhibits prior to the start of the deposition
Join the deposition room prior to the scheduled deposition
Click the orange “Exhibit” button to the far right
Exhibit files can be uploaded by clicking or dragging the file to the “Upload Exhibit” box
Once uploaded, these files are private and only visible to you
You can preview the exhibits by selecting “Private View”
To delete the exhibit before sharing it out, select the “Delete” button
These exhibits will not be available to other attendees until you share the file